Cash's Holiday

Cash's Holiday

Cinque Terre photo + update

June 19th, 2010 · 1 Comment · Uncategorized

Bonjour, For some reason I’m having trouble with loading photo’s and its becoming irritating to say the least….that will teach me for getting confident with this whole program.

We had a good run again yesterday, no great fan fare leaving Italy into France….sort of expect something apart from driving through toll gates. Skirted the coast to glimse Monaco… looks every bit `the’ place for the super rich, we only hesitated long enough to take in the sites of so called luxury….expensive looking everything…hotels, boats, swimming pools…all so pristeen, ….really worth a peek. Continued on for a coastal drive to take in part of the French Riviera….all good but as for beaches, Australia and NZ can’t be beaten. The sea still that beautiful clear blue.

Stayed last night in Avignon….what a pretty place…the Rhone River reminding me of the Waikato River but on a larger scale…..It flows through the city really setting everything off.

Another big leap in mileage to Dijon,the home of great mustard. Getting closer to Calais…..We are all having trouble dropping our `so called’ Italian…saying Grazie instead of Merci. The Football world cup is in full swing, we have been following a few games when possible…had to listen to the commentry in Italian, now in French….Australia is playing as I type this (multi tasking) NZ play Italy tomorrow…. Weather cooled considerably…. the weeks are starting to disappear fast. ……. Anne, looking forward to our UK section….to be able to communicate easily a real plus. (:) G


One Comment so far ↓

  • Jane Cash Jane Cash

    Hey Mum, Dad, Jim & Jules,

    Draw with Italy!! Who’d have guessed it, luckly your out of Italy now otherwise you might have been subject to some grumpy looks =)

    With your pics are they small? might help with the uploading.

    Miss you

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