Cash's Holiday

Cash's Holiday

May Day in Lyon

May 4th, 2010 · 3 Comments · Uncategorized

We arrived in Lyon 1st of May. It seemed to be a special day, we thought maybe spring festival. Children were selling posies of flowers at the intersections etc. We made our way to the river (Rhone) and found a market day in full cry. Whilst promanarding along the river bank we noticed rowing skulls appearing around the corner. At first 1 or 2  and then came an Armarda of them. People in the apartmants looking over the river would call “OUI” and the rowers would call back. Heaps of calls and the sound would resonate off the buildings. Obviously a tradition and a great experience!  (:) Dave

PS from G.

On to stay the night at Annecy. A thriving and very popular (going by the crowds) town nestled on the shores of Lake Continued Annecy at the base of the Alps. The `older’ sector, very historic….lower village area serviced by waterway/canel, crossed by multiple narrow bridges. Tiny cobbled lanes leading to low doorways set in old stone walls. Slate roof tops joining each other at different levels. Alpine influence in shops….selling clogs, cow bells etc.

2nd May      Weather deteriorating so decided to go for it. Once leaving Annecy, we got tangled up in the motorway system. `Esmeralda’ (Our GPS) was as confused as we where, but finally (and  with the driver coping very well) we head towards Italy through the alps…….Big easy highway all the way, separated into toll sections. Even though the speed limit is 130, which….. driver promised not to go above, cars zoomed past us at times….heavens knows what speed they reached. Though many tunnels, villages tucked here and there. Old stone `huts’ left abandoned. Snow up on the peaks.

Crossing the border into Italy was of no major consequence. Stopped at  a check point but were waved on into no man’s  land before paying 35Euro’s to enter the 18km (approx) tunnel into Italy, Jules `Italian phase book’, educating us as we go alone.   On through Torino and Milano finishing the day at `Desenzano’ on the shores of Lago (lake) di Garda.

Will just add a few little details that we have devised to make our journeying comfortable. On starting our road trip we are self reliant for breakfast and lunch….Breads are delicious, cheeses, salami, olives…..have a little 1 litre kettle that fits (by coincidence) into the centre console between the two front seats. It plugs into the lighter socket and does its little thing as we travel along. Very safe, no hot water spurting out. Our cups consist of those soft plastic type….gets a bit hot to hold but doubled up.  Our original stirrer was a straw but progress to those tiny plastic spoons. The reason for all this carry on is not locating a store to buy basic cups, spoons etc.    Catching up on washing, what a mission locating a laundry. Can’t help but feel self conscious on approaching a `friendly’ looking person …”Par-la in-glese”.  (do you speak English) If your lucky they have a basic grasp of the language and away you go, hand gestures are universal.


3 Comments so far ↓

  • Jackie Jackie

    What a wonderful discription of your travels,it is really great reading,we look forward to the next blog with baited breath.
    Love Jackie.xxxxxxxxxx

  • Mark Mark

    Hello Gail,
    This is a simpler version of what just failed to post. You’re heading towards places that must be old – Verona, Padova. All the best all.

  • carolyn and Keith carolyn and Keith

    What a wonderful and interesting time you are having. We are enjoying all the little snippits. Keep it coming.
    Looking forward to the next episode.
    Love Carolyn and Keith

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